Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The left and right

Ive always been right eye dominant. I used to self administer eye exercises they teach you at the optometrist.  My brother got reading glasses in Grade 3 and the exercises and glasses looked so cool I wanted eye problems too. In fact wanted a pair of glasses so badly I was convinced it was only a matter of time before I became poor of sight and got them. I made my parents take me to the eye doctor to get tested. The Santa looking doctor told me I would not be getting glasses for Christmas this year but that one day when "I was old" my slightly weaker left eye may need them for reading only. This was debilitating information for me at the time because my eye sight WAS out of balance but I wasn't able to do anything about it until it got worse and I wasn't sure I would want to be an old person with spectacles. I think I have been slightly haunted by a hyper-awareness of my eyesight imbalance since. Im convinced it gets worse each year that passes.  

As an adult Im finding that balance is essential for happy living but the ebb and flow of life sometimes throws us out of whack in that department. Im interested in learning about ways to know when that is happening and keep on a pretty straight track. Kinesiology is something I have become more and more fascinated by lately because it is helping achieve this goal. 

I found myself talking to a good friend of mine who is studying to be an osteopath about kinesiology. He was explaining to me the utility in studying and diagnosing physical symptoms in the body to simultaneously heal the emotional and spiritual. I do believe that the way we physically function and hold ourselves mirrors the way we are treating ourselves internally and mentally. I think 70 per cent of visual cues we present is in body language and have always been able to discern from body language when someone is going through a significant transition in life. Balancing our mind, body and soul may sound new age arty-fartsy but is undeniably essential for a healthy, happy long life. 

Did you know that according to Eastern medicine the body is divided into two halves; the masculine side (right) and feminine side (left)? The theory is that each human being is governed by a left hemisphere and right hemisphere in their brain that controls the left and right side of their body. The left side is in charge of the right side of their body and the right side is in charge of the left side. Most people are right or left side dominant (as with their eyes) The goal is to balance the use of the two hemispheres to achieve a synergetic functionality of the whole body. 

Where we as humans fall out of balance we experience symptoms in the respective male and female areas. I did my research online and found an article following this discussion that "The male side is usually connected to our rationality, logic, linear thinking and understanding. The female side is connected to feelings, nurturing, caring compassion, love and all the emotional qualities"

The male side is usually connected to our rationality, logic, linear thinking, and understanding. The female side is connected to feelings, nurturing, caring, compassion, love, and all the emotional qualities

Does this mean that because I have a weaker left eye that I need to work on seeing emotional side of things clearer? Interesting point to ponder...

What's even more interesting is that I found out through my friend that there is a theory that when we experience an inbalance in an area, the outside manifestation can be represented in problems such as injuries to one side of the body and be correlated to emotional issues in life. A person who injures their right elbow may be having an issue with men in their life. A person with left nasal or throat blockages and swelling may be having issues with speaking up about anxieties and dealing with women. 

Practising yoga and seeking kinesiologic treatment to balance the right and left seems to be just one way to strengthen our non dominant sides. Forms of reiki, meditation and breathing work are some others. 

I personally think forms of acting, dance and creative expression could be very helpful. I think that the psychology technique of using regressive therapy is extremely powerful when used in therapy sessions to help a patient explore past emotional maladies in present time. I wonder if different forms of creative therapy could be just as useful in the context of balancing the feminine and masculine energies. 

I used to study acting and my teacher would give me roles for class that connect to parts of my personality that I wasn't completely comfortable with expressing in public. I would find myself resisting the role but then experiencing a certain level of conscious growth after completing the dramatic exercise. I think what Im suggesting is something similar; the therapist would administer a creative task such as a role play or movement to encourage people to physically express themselves in the non dominant area. Wouldn't that be both cathartic and energetically healing? 

Im interested in investigating what other ways there may be to administer the kinds of techniques one may use to get in tune physically and achieve balance. And I also bet there's a way of administering eye exercises to strengthen eyes so that glasses are not needed in the future. 

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