Why do people need to define themselves by their jobs? Its so silly. I wonder how relaxed people would feel if they knew they could be and do many things because NONE of those things were their identities?
I have been a model for 13 years. But I don't consider myself a model. When I was younger I wanted to be a journalist but I took five ballet classes a week and made cakes. I studied media but I went to rave parties and I worked in a clothing boutique. Then I studied Advertising and worked as a cocktail waitress in a casino followed by music manager.
I meet so many people who ask me "what do you do?" and I don't know how to answer the question because it takes so long to explain that I do many things for work plus include that what I do outside my work is also important to who I am. I feel like being asked this question I have to explain my identity with the brevity of an elevator pitch.
I was talking to a friend who was conflicted about choosing a vocational goal or a career opportunity. Said he couldn't do one because it would affect the time available for the other. My take on his predicament was that he was the one in control of how one could affect the other so it was quite possible if he changed his own expectations of choosing either or that he could very well pursue both simultaneously.
There is one thing I didn't think of though. Sometimes in life you have to sacrifice one thing for another because time doesn't allow you the liberty to do two things at once. What do you do when you come across this kind of scenario - where two things compete for your time and attention? Two things you care equally about continuing to enjoy. Maybe more than two things?
How do you prioritize your time is the discussion topic.
How do I prioritize? Well I used to be a hedonist. I would choose what brings ME the most pleasure. If I had to work I would only work if the pleasure of the pay off was great. I had the luxury of circumstances that reinforced this attitude and it worked for me. I thought balance meant time divided between work that paid for a lavish lifestyle.
Since going broke a few years ago when the work input was not as great as the lifestyle output I have started to rethink my priorities and figure out a better strategy. Though I think its important to enjoy your lifestyle I now see the necessity in working a job to afford it. I don't think we are created to sit around and wait for money to float in nor do I think that a life lived to store up treasures that aren't enjoyed is
But what do you do if your job doesn't afford you the time to enjoy your life? Several friends of mine have been finding their career choices limit their lifestyle significantly. I want to tell them to quit their jobs but then that is just what I would do because I personally value my personal free time higher than earning a higher salary. In essence I am happy to do just as much work as to afford the lifestyle that is suitable for my wellbeing.
So is free will really the question here? How much do you value your free will to pick and choose the ratio between your lifestyle and your work?
Does it matter what you do for a job and how much time you compromise to have success at it?
I personally do care if the bread comes home because I like making toast with it because it allows me the ability to help others. If I don't bring bread home I am no use to myself or anyone else. I think the balance gets outta whack when Im only working to serve myself and cannot afford the time to disperse the benefits to my relationships and community. My personal opinion is who cares how much bread you have if you can't share the toast with someone it affords.
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